Mamma Mia Mondays is our new special for Mondays at Spuntino! We sell all pizza for the Margarita pizza prices!! It's a great deal, I just need to promote it more... so I'm going to do that after this post! ;)
I had to unlock the store for our new neighbors electricians (yogurt place) at 9am, so I called a meeting with my staff. It was overdue and very effective! I have an amazing staff and they just need to get in "check" once in a while!
After the meeting, Tammi met me for our PR work. Staples for copies, then my house for organization... we got a lot done and we are almost ready to kick off "The Escape" Happy Hour at Gourmet Italia! After our work was done, I picked up Luca and Logan, went to the mall and used my Brighton Gift Certificate on a hot pair of sunglasses! Thank you Angela! :)
After the mall, we were off to Luca's baseball game! Alex got to be at this one... only his 3rd one out of maybe 20 because they are mostly on Tues, Wed or Thurs and he works those nights! We were happy he could make this one! He is the best cheerleader for Luca and Luca LOVES when he's there! Coach Mark is great about letting Luca play positions with the most action when Daddy shows up! After the game, Daddy let Luca pick where we'd go to eat... that is always 1 of 3 choices for Luca... 1st, Shogun... not tonight, 2nd Chili's... daddy's tummy can't deal, 3rd Oishi Sushi... BINGO!!! The Family favorite! Our friends Max, Erika and others I don't know their names, are so great to us! We enjoy our experience there everytime!
Bedtime comes soon when we're out... the boys get cranky and tired... so we headed home and Alex and I enjoy some TV time before we fall fast to sleep.
My Love Dare is Love is Satisfied in God. My Dare is to pray and read the bible every day. Believe it or not i have a hard time making time in my day to commit to these 2 things. I do pray throughout my day, but I never read my bible. I am challenged to make a specific time everyday for this priority. I will make a point to do this... let you know how it goes!
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