Monday, June 24, 2013

Mom... this one's for you...

I was born to an amazing woman. Growing up, my mommy was incredible. When I was little, she was completely hands on. Every photo or video I see from my childhood, I had reason to smile. My mommy was there, holding my hand, kissing on me, loving me, playing with me and teaching me.
As I grew up into my adolescents, she taught me even more. It wasn't easy for me during my "development" years. I felt awkward and had a different role with my friends and school. I had always been fairly popular and had a lot of friends... but once I hit middle school... that temporarily changed. But you know what? What didn't change was the support of my mommy and daddy. My mommy was my best friend. I could talk to her about anything. That's so special for a girl to have, especially in school! Mom trusted me and I trusted her.
When you grow up so close to your mom, there's a strange dynamic that occurs during the transition to adulthood. Either you transition or you don't... but the attempt to do so can be extremely painful. It's hard to figure out how to separate enough to be your own person yet still maintain the same relationship. Outside influences can affect this too.... who your dating, where you live, what you're doing for school or work, etc. Well, for me, it was who I was dating. He was jealous of the relationship with my Mom, yet part of that jealousy brought the need to find my own way to my attention. This was a brutal adjustment for me and Mommy and caused some painful times for both of us.
Here's a point though... when you establish a relationship with your child while they are young and growing up, they have a foundation in place. They may wonder, they might experiment, just because they are human and not because you did anything wrong. Decisions I was making came from a lot of different influences but was not a result of a bad upbringing. My point is that when kids have a firm foundation, like I did, we might wonder a bit, but we always comeback to what we know. As I did! And once I did, Mom and I had a stronger relationship then ever because we were both adults and we talked through any issues or problems we might have.
Today, Mommy and I are very close and have a wonderful and healthy Mother/Daughter relationship. It's filled with honestly, love, communication and time for each other.
I want to share the gifts of life that my Mommy has given me;
love for the Lord
understanding of God's love
being there for others
be yourself
be a leader
speak up for what you believe in
family is important
have fun
be silly
love the camera! (hahahhaha!)
show others what they mean to you
... the list goes on.... but as you can see... Mommy has given me so much that has shaped who I am. I am a better mommy myself, because of how she raised me! I adore my Mommy and I'm so grateful that I was the special child of God who was planned for her!

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