Guess I forgot to mention my LOVE DARE for Sunday and yesterday! Sorry!
Okay, Sunday it was Love Fights Fair. If you could see how many underlines I have throughout this chapter!! The dare is to Talk To Your Spouse About Healthy Rules Of Engagement. The book gives you a list of "rules" for fighting. Well, funny enough... we had a fight that morn! Which is what lead to the prayer and the happiness in Luca's heart when the prayer was over. So, instead of talking to Alex about this list, I first, put it to use, second, thought I would write it out as a contract with places to initial next to each RULE. At the end, there's a place for us both to sign. I signed and initialed the whole thing and left it for him on the counter.
Yesterday my Love Dare chapter was Love Cherishes. The dare was to spend time with your spouse. The only opportunity we got was the movies, but we sat next to eachother and I held his hand or leg the whole time! :)
TUESDAY... today, I scheduled myself off of work but had Logan a good few errands to run. Mom was coming down for Luca and my game around 1pm, so I scurried around town getting all the things I needed to get done, done. Gina was working so when I dropped in to do some things, I of course had to visit a bit with her. Pat, her husband was conveniently having lunch as well, so Logan played a little with him and I chatted a bit too! Gotta love Pat, he's just loveable! Gina hadn't been in work all week the week before, so she felt a little "fish out of water", but not for long. She just ROCKS at the job and I can't stand the thought of her EVER not being there!! Reality is, though, that "the bun in the oven" will eventually have to be "done" and she'll have to take the time off, if not for ever, for a while... I still have a few months, thank goodness!
Anyhoo... Mom got to town around 2 and hadn't eaten. Logan and I waited to eat as well, until she arrived. She had the GREAT idea of going to Oishi Sushi for lunch! One of my favorite "other food" places!! At the end, she called it my birthday lunch and treated!! It was SOOOO yummy! We then went to pick up Luca from school and headed to his game. Coach Mark was great to put him as all his favorite positions knowing Noni (mom) and Alex would be there to watch. I could only stay until 5:15 because I had to be at Great Oak High School to prep for the charity game I was playing in.
While I was in "briefing", Luca was awarded the Game BALL!!!! He had been hoping for that up to that morning!!
I suited up in my navy blue mesh shorts, white tank with yellow mesh jersey over it. My white knee high socks, were a suggestion from the guy in Champs and my "old school" navy converse were only part of the "look". I bought wrist bands and a headband to boot! Only thing was, I couldn't get myself to put the headband on and not just embarress myself, but my friends and family too!!! So I settled on just the wristbands. It was the perfect cover up for my lipgloss!! I just slid it up under the bands and it was there whenever I needed it! After we got the "RULES" and there were MANY... we set out to practice. Well, let's just say we were the "Bad News Bears" meets "One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest!" I must say, as the HOUR AND A HALF went by, we got a smidgen better. I was goofin around, as I do... playing with the "entertainment" angle instead of trying to be the "PRO basketball player" that I CLEARLY wasn't. Ryan Hughes, Motorcross Champ (and close friend) and Robbie Maddison, Xtreme Sport Moto champ, 5 time World Record Breaker were our 2 REAL celebrities on our LOCAL CELEBRITY team. They had FUEL, a satallite TV station following Robbie, filiming all of the action! There were other camera crews there, not sure who they were, but as you may or may not know about me... I was just happy to be that close to FAME!! Hahaha!! Sad, I know, cuz I wasn't EVEN CLOSE TO FAME!! Hahaha!! The game was really fun! When they let us play... but the darn Harlem Ambassador's Lade Magic, kept stopping the game for their silly skits. They were funny for the first few times, but got a little old and dragged out after a while. The great thing is, that it was all for charity and it raised money for scholarships for kids! And, I have to say... turns out we really did entertain a good many people! I got koodo's after the game and all day today via texts, emails and phone calls! That was pretty neat!
My dare today was Love is Honorable. The dare was to show your spouse honor and respect that is above your normal routine. My way of fulfilling this dare was this: after the game, the two teams were sponsored by BJ's for dinner. The teams headed over right after the game and everyone was asking if I was going. Typically, I'd be all over it! Totally wanting to go hang and have a good time. This is something Alex wouldn't take part in, so I'd go alone. Well, this time I decided to go to Gourmet, where he went after staying for the whole game. I went there and didn't even ask him, knowing he wouldn't want to go, nor would he want me to and I simply ordered dinner and sat at the bar with he and my mom and we ate and reflected on the game. I'm not sure if he realized what I did directly, but I know what I did and it makes a difference in my heart, knowing that the sacrifice was small for a MUCH better result in the long run.
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