Monday is a funny day in our lives. Well, at least in mine. It's the day of the week that our Temecula restaurant, Gourmet Italia is closed. It used to be our family day, until Luca started "real school". That threw us off. Then, we took the time to be Alex and I until one day Logan joined us. But then Logan started school and we opened Spuntino. I started working on and off on Mondays and Alex took that opportunity to spend there as well. It's kind of turned into our "night off" instead of DAY off. Our evenings have been nice though. Usually consisting of homemade dinner (surprisingly by me!) and television. That's how we got into Prison Break! It was a show we could both enjoy together! We've been hooked since the first season! The Bachelor has been right after Prison Break and surprisingly Alex get's into that too! Well, this Monday would be different. On Sunday, when we sat down for lunch together (oh ya, I forgot we did that!) and Alex brought up the prayer (another shocker!), they all asked me to pray. I prayed for our families hearts and attitudes towards one another and just lifted us up to the Lord knowing that we needed more patience and understanding with each other. Luca was touched (he's quite sensitive) and he smiled and said to us all, "this is going to be a great family lunch". He then got the nerve up to ask his Daddy (usually fears the rejection) if we could go as a family to the movies. Daddy was gracious and said that although he couldn't that day, he could the next. SO! The family decided Monday eve, we would all go to the movies.
I kept in touch with Alex this day, making sure he would stay true to his word as to not dissappoint the kids, especially Luca who really feels his absence in his every day life.
He ended up getting a crew together to move a truck load of things we had in storage, so he called me to see if we could go to a later movie. I let him know that was fine, but that he needed to be sure to stick to his committment to the boys and be sure to finish on time.
So, he picked up Logan and I picked up Luca. Luca an dI went to the mall and I shopped for shorts, shoes and sweatbands for my charity basketball game the next day. Alex called when he and Logan arrived and we went to the movies as a FAMILY!! Okay, can I just say that I don't think we've EVER gone as a family and I don't mean this sentimentally! It cost $52 dollars, just for tickets!!! We paid a little more then the usual tickets cost because we say Monsters vs. Aliens 3D!!!! So the 3D costs more!!!! Gessh! Then, Alex hadn't eaten, so we all agreed just to eat dinner at the movies. Hot Dogs, popcorn, soda... you know, the typical healthy family diet!! But when we starting ordering and the total was popping up on the register... we about had a heart attack!!! $4.50 per HOT DOG!!!!! R U KIDDING ME!?!?!?!?? We ordered 5... $22.50 and that didn't include popcorn or a Coke!! You can order a large pizza and drinks at Spuntino for this! So we scratched our hot dogs, just getting the kids each and then a medium popcorn. In we go, $75 later, 4 people for under 2 hours!!! There is something SERIOUSLY WRONG with this picture!!! Then the darn 3D glasses were one size fits all and they WERE ALLLLLLL adult sizes (in a kids movie!?!??!?!). The problem was not for me, Alex or even really Luca... but Logan... he couldn't keep them on for the life of him!!! Alex had him on his lap and he had to hold them on for Logan THE ENTIRE MOVIE!!! Logan kept slipping down Alex's legs and testing Alex's patience, of which there basically is NONE! But Alex indured only needing about a 15 minute break. It was a cute movie, Luca absolutely LOVED it. We turned to see him laughing hysterically at many parts.
When the movie was over, poor Alex was starving!!! Not feeling dressed to go to the new Yard House or PF Changs, we chose to go to Lucille's BBQ joint. NOT SUCH A GREAT IDEA!!! We ordered the "Best" dishes on the menu, or should I say "most popular". For Alex, he was so hungry that he thought ANYTHING would taste good. Feeling like we just "settled" on dinner, we headed home and immediately went to bed. About 130am I gradually woke up to Alex tossing and turning. He claimed that the food caused him MAJOR stomach "issues" and he couldn't sleep. I encouraged him to get up and take his "natural" sleeping pill. He laughed and agreed and did. Well, lucky for him, it worked! About 20 minutes later, he was snoring!!! Unlucky for ME... I couldn't go back to sleep!!!!! NOT for the rest of the night!!!!!! WAAAA! Then, Logan cried out for me around 4am. I went into his room, layed next to him and settled him back to sleep. I went back to bed, not sleeping still and around 6am, Logan showed up at my bedside!!! So he climbed in and I climbed OUT! I went and layed in his bed and couldn't get another second of sleep! I got my morning going, all excited for the BIG GAME!
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