Today, I wanted to start by sharing an email from my mommy... they say apples don't fall far from the tree... well, this apple (me) came from a respectable, grounded, loving and fruitful ROOTED TREE!!! :) Thank you Mom, for your love, committment, support and most of all for showing and teaching me about our Lord! No matter where I wander, I am blessed to know God's there for me when I get back! So he has proved over and over again!
Hi hon,I just read your blog. How very special to share your love...on your sleeve and with whomever:)What a wonderful gift you are giving not only your family but others who may need to hear an encouraging word. You have always had such a precious loving heart. What a gift you are to me. I was the lucky mommy when God gave me you. And Luca & Logan were the lucky boys to get you as their mommy. I love you my "Sweet Charity". I wanted to put this on your blog, but didn't know how:) So, I'm sending it to you the way I know:) You are such a blessing to me. Amazing that 35 years ago you were in my tummy. I may forget different things, but that is a memory I will always remember and cherish the rest of my life. Everyday from the time I delivered you was a precious day from God. You were such a beautiful baby and each day you made my day worth living. I thank Him everyday for you. You now get to experience how much you can love your child. More than you ever thought possible. Every time I hear that song "Your'e gonna miss this" it brings tears to my eyes, because your'e holding your baby in your arms, then your'e holding her hand and then they grow up so fast and you do want back those times. (Your'e gonna miss this, your'e gonna want it back, your'e gonna wish these days...hadn't gone by so fast) There is a season for everything and I will cherish the seasons I shared with you always...and will share. I look so forward to everytime we get to make more memories. Big Hug for the day! God Bless...as He has blessed me with you! Mommy
So! As for my Love Dare today... I like today because it's Love is... oh shoot! I can't remember what the chapter is called... but here's what I do know... MY DARE... This is funny, because it's one of the things that Alex quite recently mentioned in a "relationship argument... I mean "discussion"" ;) Anyhoo! The dare is to change the way you greet your spouse whether it be in the morning, in person, on the phone. Have a happy attitude and make sure you always do it! This was something I was paying more attention to anyways, but now I know how truly important it is and the book gave me a perspective that made so much sense! We put effort into strangers everyday whether at work or passing by because we know it's polite or makes them feel good. Imagine how that can change the tone or set the tone in your day to day with your spouse!! LOVE this dare and hope I only get better and better at it!
Off to pick up Luca then meet Gina for a Nori Tostada at OISHI SUSHI! YUMMY !!!! After, I'll go to our North location where the Office is, meet with Tammi one of my BFF's since 2nd grade who is now our PR gal, cut some checks.... yuck! Then pick up Logan, then off to Dr. Uhler to see what's up with my bug bit on my foot, my horribly dry cough, get medicene for my bladder infection... hmmm, anything else?? GEESH, I'm a mess! haha! Wish me luck and talk to you tomorrow! xoxo
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