Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finally Friday!

So I thought! Hahah! Woke up knowing all the things that had to be done from the night before, at work! I got the kids ready, as well as myself of course and said goodbye to my sleeping honey! We got to Luca's school a little early, which is NOT typical! When I get there early on Fridays, I like to be there for Flag Salute, which is their assembly every Friday morning. Luca loves for me to stay! Couldn't stay til the end because time was ticking until Spuntino would open and I had to make sure it was cleaned and the credit card machine settled and was ready to go!
I jetted Logan over to school and then back to Spuntino!
I got ahold of the credit card company customer service and they basically told me I needed a physical repair of the machine. By the time I got ahold of OUR rep, it was an hour later and he told me it would take him around 2 hours to get us a "loaner". Okay, that was one issue. The next was that the water was STILL NOT ON and wouldn't be for another 2-3 hours!!! My hands were tied. Fortunately, no one came in until around 12:30ish. So from 11 to 12 I watched the video that I had just received yesterday of my charity event, Stars of the Valley! I was anxious to see it in general, but I especially wanted to see me and the board of directors as the Spice Girls! It was BOMB!!! Gina was our red carpet interviewer as "Gina Seacrest", naming herself after her "dream husband", Ryan Seacrest! The whole video, by Video Adventures, was amazing!!
People started coming in and we managed. Alex showed up and helped a bit, then, as the Tazmanian Devil that he is, was gone in a flash! I was fine, all was good, until around 230, when my bladder infection pain pills started wearing off! Rolling at the speed of light! It came on full force by the time Marissa came in for her shift to relieve me! Thank goodness she didn't show up a second later! I took my pills then HAD to sit down without the slightest movement for a good hour. Good thing is that Jen showed up to see the DVD and Marija and family showed up dropping Luca off to me. We all sit, ate pizza, watched the video and had some laughs! By the time I was comfortable enough to move at all, it was time to go get Logan! I rushed out, but was still not feeling good, so I had to decided to take the night off and rest at home. Fortunately the boys wanted to play Wii, so I was able to plop myself on the couch, catch up on some email and start feeling better!
Today, Love Dare is.... oops! Sorry! I was confused! Yesterday was Love Is Unconditional and today was Love Cherishes!!! Okay, but the dare is similar, yesterday, for Unconditional, I was to do something out of the ordinary, to prove that my love was unconditional. I did that with going to get his friend, for reasons that I can't explain. For today, love cherishes, I was to meet a need today. Well, I believe that handling things at the pizzeria myself, without putting the stress on him, was my way of meeting his need. He NEEDED to not have that stress! :) Dare complete!

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